Wednesday, 9 November 2011


  • Two best friend (One and Two) in casual wear (One in Blue jeans and a T-Shirt, Two in Combats and a white long sleeved shirt. Two is wearing a leather coat) walking over a bridge in the middle of the day. There is nobody else there. (Long shot)
  • One turns to Two and asks for money saying that he just needs a loan and can pay him back. One sounds slightly panicked whilst he says this. (Medium shot)
  • Two reaches inside his coat, then stops and pulls his hand out. Asks One what he needs then money for. (Close up on coat)
  • One is vague, says that he just needs to pay off a debt. (MS) 
  • Two tries to reason with One, making comments about drugs. Extreme close up on One's lips, they are burnt.
  • One backs off a bit, then turns and runs, off the bridge into a road. (LS)


  • One goes to a Shady Man (dressed in a dirty black suit without a tie)
  • Shady Man obviously threatens One, and then hands him a stack of money.


  • One talks to a Dirty Man (dressed in dirty casual clothes) and hands the Dirty Man some money.
  • Dirty Man hands One a small bag


  • Shot of One snorting a white powder
  • Shot of drugs circling round a drain

Cut  done by 00:50

  • Nickelback playing in concert. 
  • Crowd cheering. 

Cut 105

  • One, on the street, in very dirty clothes that are barely recognisable. His hands keep shaking.
  • Shot of drugs circling round a drain

  • One is in a woman's bedroom, closing a box of jewelry and picking it up. 
  • Smartly Dressed Woman walks in (she is smartly dressed)
  • One hides the box behind him, and then talks to the Smartly Dressed Woman as he walks out of the door with the box behind his back.
  • Smartly Dressed Woman shakes her head and then sits down heavily on the bed.

Cut 1:18

  • Casual Woman walks down a street.
  • One leaps out, grabs her, and pulls her into an alley.  
  • One holds a knife to her throat.
  • Casual Woman hands One her handbag.
  • One takes it and runs.

Cut 1:32

  • Cut to One lying in a gutter
  • Shot of drugs circling round a drain

Cut 144

  • Nickelback in concert

Cut 400

  • One is lying in the gutter when Two walks past 
  • Two goes over to One and helps him up
  • One looks up at Two and asks for help

Cut 410

the end

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