Wednesday, 18 January 2012


At the beginning when we were all paired into the groups, we looked at various music videos and the different genres that can be applied in making a succesful music video. For example I looked at music videos such as Taylor Swift songs which are has the whole country/love genre. Then I looked at the hip/hop music genre such as 'Eminem- not afraid' and we looked at the fun/comedy genre 'Bruno Mars- Lazy song' however we wanted to do a music video with a dark/emotional genre which would have a very good meaning to it so we came across 'Nickleback - Just to get high' we choose this because it involves the whole concept of drugs and how a friend can help you through it. We were all interested in the conventions of rock music so we researched music videos with a meaning behind it so that it can be made as a narrative. Also in this type of music video you can have a 'concert' or a 'band performing' mainly one of the topics we had discussed and wanted to do. I started to go through pictures and how the mood of the song would be on a mood board; the concept of drugs, death, suicide and friendship are key features.

I was the researcher so then I created a mood board with all the key features for our music video inside it. I also created a storyboard along with Liam where we drew images of all the images and what was happening in each scene.The first shot we took was of the band, we all went into the music room and we were on the drums and guitars, this was one of the key scenes where Liam lip synched the song and we made a performance whilst Alan filmed us. The next shot we filmed was in front of the school outside where Ryan was acting as the best friend waiting for the drug addict (Liam) this scene was useful because we wanted to show the bond between the two characters because this is a clash between a narrative and a performance. We did a close-up on the wallet to show the fact that Liam (drug addict) asks money from his friend (Ryan) then filmed a scene where Liam had to make Liam had a lighter and a spoon with sugar on it because snorting sugar would not be very healthy so the scene of snorting sugar was not kept. We were also going to do a scene where Liam steals something from a bedroom however due to lack of time we were not able to use it so we replaced it with another scene. The location was the route to which you get to the astro which looked like an alley way, where I was walking along whilst Liam waited then snatched my purse and threatened me to give him money, this is a key scene which shows us the effect of drugs on money and its fit perfectly in our music videos. Then we filmed the scene where Alan is a loan shark/drug dealer and Liam is exchanging money with him in the science area on top floor.

Once all of these scenes were filmed we imported everything onto Liam's macbook and the editing process started; we did face minor problems however me and Ryan both helped Liam with it and we finally managed to finish the editing.

I personally believe we all worked very well together, when one of us were occupied doing one thing another person was always there to help out and take over. If we were to do this again and if we were to change one thing it would be the planning and how much time we have on our hands to make the video much more effective and realistic.                                                                                                                                

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