A situation comedy- commonly referred as a 'sitcom' is a genre of comedy performance in which recurring characters take part in humorous story lines centered around the common environment of home(family) or workplaces. It is mainly a group of people who take part in it. People watch sitcom's to be able to get rid of their own problems and get away from work/income stress.
One of the sitcoms 'The Big Bang Theory' focuses on the relationship of some bachelors who are all over-intelligent and they live together in an apartment. They are stereotypical 'geeks/nerds' Lenard is socially active rather than the other boys. Raj is an Indian boy who finds it difficult to talk to women and is stereotyped as a typical Indian boy would be ; they mention how he is rich and relate his character to the 'Taj Mahal' although Raj has nothing to do with it. Howard on the other hand is completely the opposite he seems to be the one trying not to be categorized as a 'nerd'. Unlike Sheldon, Raj and Leonard; Howard does nit have a PhD .He wants to have a girlfriend that looks like Megan Fox and has looked for them. Howard is a typical boy, he is interested in lust. Sheldon is a difficult character; you would not necessarily see him smile (AT ALL) he is very sarcastic and intelligent. The odd one out between all of them is Penny; the 'dumb blonde' who lives at an apartment near them. Penny is a waitress and an aspiring actress.
People would watch this for their own entertainment ; to relieve themselves from work stress. The Big Bang Theory' is aired on Thursdays at 8:00pm which means its not a show that would be inappropriate for teenagers at the same time adults that come from work would get a chance to watch it ; its not on too late or too early.
The audience for sitcoms would most certainly watch it to be informed and educated which would lead to understanding the characters and relating their own situations to the actual actors and characters of the sitcom, once they are familiar with the characters and their behaviors they would most certainly be entertained and engaged . They would want to watch the show all the time without missing it. They would then inform their friends or talk about the show to their friends to inform them of how you feel with one of the characters behavior so they would socially interact with their friends using the sitcom as a similarity. Having a similarity with your friends e.g watching the same shows, playing the same games or reading something similar could help them relate to each other more and be able to form an understanding and have a laugh with one another.
Some people who go out to work and are having troubles in their life with either bills or struggling to get a promotion, being bossed around by their boss would watch a sitcom to give them a relief and show them that life is not that hard; they would either watch the actors get hurt and laugh to make their own situation look less worrying or they would laugh at the jokes because they feel relieved from all the stress.
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