Thursday, 29 March 2012

What I did on - 28/03/2012 an 29/03/2012

Yesterday i found out that the 1970s media theorists Blumler and Katz presented their model of audiences uses and gratifications, declaring that their are 5 main reasons why the audiences consume media text:
  1. To be informed and to be educated.
  2. In order to identify with character and situation.
  3. To be entertained.
  4. To enable themselves to socially interact with others ( by watching, listening or reading together or through discussion of what they'd seen, read or heard).
  5. To escape from their daily troubles and woes.

For the 1st one I believe some people would want to watch shows that they could get knowledge from e.g 'Secret Diary of a call girl' which most people would watch to see how a 'call girls' life is and if she is living a normal life or struggling to hide her identity. So some people would want to know what the medias perception of a 'call girl' is. Most people watch documentaries for the same reason; to understand the truth behind history the present and the future and what why and how it happened or it will happened; its mainly all for self knowledge and instead of reading from a book people watch it for a better understanding, some people get engaged by images/pictures.

For the 2nd one I believe that people who are not as socially active or do not have a wide range of friends would decide to watch shows with a range of characters in e.g ' Friends' and build a relationship of understanding the characters although they would not actually have met the characters. They would  want to identify the situations and imagine themselves in it or be able to relate to it in one way or another. Some people want to see other peoples life's, they would be nosy people if they looked at their own next door neighbors life or their friends life however when its an act on T.V and you want to compare your life or see other peoples life then why not watch it? its on T.V.

The 3rd theory is 'to be entertained' most people who watch sitcoms would watch it because they would be able to make fun of the characters or have a laugh about the stereotypes of the characters or the race of the characters without being racist themselves. For example in 'The Big Bang Theory' Pennie is blonde so its stereotyped therefore the audience would feel the privilege  of being a much more dominant person compared to her. Penny's a waitress and a aspiring actress meaning she is 'working class' that would mean the audience would feel superior; they would be entertained by her words as she is seen as 'blonde' they would automatically find her stupid and everything she says would make them laugh - at her stupidity.

The third theory is very common; most people would watch shows to either have a really good lengthy conversation or be able to socially interact with their friends without awkwardness. They would like to have a similarity withe her/his friends; they would be become closer due to this. similarities bring people closer especially when you can relate to each other and share your opinions on the show/sitcom/movie with your friends

The last theory is that they watch it to relieve stress, i agree. i watch stand up comedies and sitcoms to get rid of the problems I face at school; if Im having an exam its my way of escaping.Many people who go to work, get bossed around by their boss, they are stressed out a lot and upset then they watch entertaining shows to make them laugh and make their life look easier compare to others. They would be able to feel less unhappy about their own situations.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012


A situation comedy- commonly referred as a 'sitcom' is a genre of comedy performance in which recurring characters take part in humorous story lines centered around the common environment of home(family) or workplaces. It is mainly a group of people who take part in it. People watch sitcom's to be able to get rid of their own problems and get away from work/income stress.

One of the sitcoms 'The Big Bang Theory' focuses on the relationship of some bachelors who are all over-intelligent and they live together in an apartment. They are stereotypical 'geeks/nerds' Lenard is socially active rather than the other boys. Raj is an Indian boy who finds it difficult to talk to women and is stereotyped as a typical Indian boy would be ; they mention how he is rich and relate his character to the 'Taj Mahal' although Raj has nothing to do with it. Howard on the other hand is completely the opposite he seems to be the one trying not to be categorized as a 'nerd'. Unlike Sheldon, Raj and Leonard; Howard does nit have a PhD .He wants to have a girlfriend that looks like Megan Fox and has looked for them. Howard is a typical boy, he is interested in lust. Sheldon is a difficult character; you would not necessarily see him smile (AT ALL) he is very sarcastic and intelligent. The odd one out between all of them is Penny; the 'dumb blonde' who lives at an apartment near them. Penny is a waitress and an aspiring actress.

People would watch this for their own entertainment ; to relieve themselves from work stress. The Big Bang Theory' is aired on Thursdays at 8:00pm which means its not a show that would be inappropriate for teenagers at the same time adults that come from work would get a chance to watch it ; its not on too late or too early.

The audience for sitcoms would most certainly watch it to be informed and educated which would lead to understanding the characters and relating their own situations to the actual actors and characters of the sitcom, once they are familiar with the characters and their behaviors they would most certainly be entertained and engaged . They would want to watch the show all the time without missing it. They would then inform their friends or talk about the show to their friends to inform them of how you feel with one of the characters behavior so they would socially interact with their friends using the sitcom as a similarity. Having a similarity with your friends e.g watching the same shows, playing the same games or reading something similar could help them relate to each other more and be able to form an understanding and have a laugh with one another.

Some people who go out to work and are having troubles in their life with either bills or struggling to get a promotion, being bossed around by their boss would watch a sitcom to give them a relief and show them that life is not that hard; they would either watch the actors get hurt and laugh to make their own situation look less worrying or they would laugh at the jokes because they feel relieved from all the stress.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Gavin and Stacey - Research

Gavin and Stacey is a show about an Essex guy and a Welsh girl who fall in love; they talk on the phone and then decide to meet up. The writers of the show are James Cordan and Ruth Jones who is also the co-stars of Gavin and Stacey 'Smithy and Ness'.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


At the beginning when we were all paired into the groups, we looked at various music videos and the different genres that can be applied in making a succesful music video. For example I looked at music videos such as Taylor Swift songs which are has the whole country/love genre. Then I looked at the hip/hop music genre such as 'Eminem- not afraid' and we looked at the fun/comedy genre 'Bruno Mars- Lazy song' however we wanted to do a music video with a dark/emotional genre which would have a very good meaning to it so we came across 'Nickleback - Just to get high' we choose this because it involves the whole concept of drugs and how a friend can help you through it. We were all interested in the conventions of rock music so we researched music videos with a meaning behind it so that it can be made as a narrative. Also in this type of music video you can have a 'concert' or a 'band performing' mainly one of the topics we had discussed and wanted to do. I started to go through pictures and how the mood of the song would be on a mood board; the concept of drugs, death, suicide and friendship are key features.

I was the researcher so then I created a mood board with all the key features for our music video inside it. I also created a storyboard along with Liam where we drew images of all the images and what was happening in each scene.The first shot we took was of the band, we all went into the music room and we were on the drums and guitars, this was one of the key scenes where Liam lip synched the song and we made a performance whilst Alan filmed us. The next shot we filmed was in front of the school outside where Ryan was acting as the best friend waiting for the drug addict (Liam) this scene was useful because we wanted to show the bond between the two characters because this is a clash between a narrative and a performance. We did a close-up on the wallet to show the fact that Liam (drug addict) asks money from his friend (Ryan) then filmed a scene where Liam had to make Liam had a lighter and a spoon with sugar on it because snorting sugar would not be very healthy so the scene of snorting sugar was not kept. We were also going to do a scene where Liam steals something from a bedroom however due to lack of time we were not able to use it so we replaced it with another scene. The location was the route to which you get to the astro which looked like an alley way, where I was walking along whilst Liam waited then snatched my purse and threatened me to give him money, this is a key scene which shows us the effect of drugs on money and its fit perfectly in our music videos. Then we filmed the scene where Alan is a loan shark/drug dealer and Liam is exchanging money with him in the science area on top floor.

Once all of these scenes were filmed we imported everything onto Liam's macbook and the editing process started; we did face minor problems however me and Ryan both helped Liam with it and we finally managed to finish the editing.

I personally believe we all worked very well together, when one of us were occupied doing one thing another person was always there to help out and take over. If we were to do this again and if we were to change one thing it would be the planning and how much time we have on our hands to make the video much more effective and realistic.                                                                                                                                

Copy of all the work


The scene where guy1 and guy2 are meeting will be set infront of the school (outside)
The scene where the druggy goes into his mothers room will be in a classroom (near a cupboard) because we dont have a bedroom in school !
The scene where the druggy goes to snatch a womans purse is going to be set infront of the school entrance (outside) 
The scene where guy1 the druggy is lying down would be set in school: anywhere where there is a corner.
The performance part where we are playing the guitar would be set in the music room because we need the drums, guitar etc.
The druggy would be on a floor in school (near astro) we can take the shot from there for the scene when the druggy is lying down in pain and agony.

Location (by kahenat)

The scene where guy1 and guy2 are meeting will be set infront of the school (outside)
The scene where the druggy goes into his mothers room will be in a classroom (near a cupboard) because we dont have a bedroom in school !
The scene where the druggy goes to snatch a womans purse is going to be set infront of the school entrance (outside) 
The scene where guy1 the druggy is lying down would be set in school: anywhere where there is a corner.
The performance part where we are playing the guitar would be set in the music room because we need the drums, guitar etc.
The druggy would be on a floor in school (near astro) we can take the shot from there for the scene when the druggy is lying down in pain and agony.

Props and parts

Alan: Camera-man; Dirty man; Shady man
Ryan: Two
Liam: One
Kahenat: Smartly dressed woman;
Ruta: Holds camera during band shots

Alan: Needs to bring in dirty suit + casual clothes
Ryan: Combats, white long sleeve shirt
Liam: Jeans, T-Shirt, leather
Kahenat: Smart clothes
Other: Instruments being provided


I have been researching videos (most notably Alice in Chains - Rooster) in order to learn about how to link the video and music together, tying what is happening in the video to changes in the music, with the most evident one at three minutes when the changes in the music, the distortion and heavy beat, coincide with the explosion, as dose the one later in the video when the fighting coincides with the changes in the beat.
We will, as a group, be trying to use these stratagies in our work.

Timings (with changes)

  • Two best friend (One and Two) in casual wear (One in Blue jeans and a T-Shirt, Two in Combats and a white long sleeved shirt. Two is wearing a leather coat) walking over a bridge in the middle of the day. There is nobody else there. (Long shot)
  • One turns to Two and asks for money saying that he just needs a loan and can pay him back. One sounds slightly panicked whilst he says this. (Medium shot)
  • Two reaches inside his coat, then stops and pulls his hand out. Asks One what he needs then money for. (Close up on coat)
  • One is vague, says that he just needs to pay off a debt. (MS) 
  • Two tries to reason with One, making comments about drugs. Extreme close up on One's lips, they are burnt.
  • One backs off a bit, then turns and runs, off the bridge into a road. (LS)

Cut 0025

  • One goes to a Shady Man (dressed in a dirty black suit without a tie)
  • Shady Man obviously threatens One, and then hands him a stack of money.

Cut 0040 

  • One talks to a Dirty Man (dressed in dirty casual clothes) and hands the Dirty Man some money.
  • Dirty Man hands One a small bag

Cut  00:50

  • Nickelback playing in concert. 
  • Crowd cheering. 

Cut 105

  • One, on the street, in very dirty clothes that are barely recognisable. His hands keep shaking.
  • Shot of drugs circling round a drain

  • One is in a woman's bedroom, closing a box of jewelry and picking it up. 
  • Smartly Dressed Woman walks in (she is smartly dressed)
  • One hides the box behind him, and then talks to the Smartly Dressed Woman as he walks out of the door with the box behind his back.
  • Smartly Dressed Woman shakes her head and then sits down heavily on the bed.

Cut 1:18

  • Casual Woman walks down a street.
  • One leaps out, grabs her, and pulls her into an alley.  
  • One holds a knife to her throat.
  • Casual Woman hands One her handbag.
  • One takes it and runs.

Cut 1:32

  • Cut to One lying in a gutter
  • Shot of drugs circling round a drain

Cut 144

  • Nickelback in concert

Cut 2:00

  • Shot of One snorting a white powder
  • Shot of drugs circling round a drain
Cut 2:15

  • Nickelback in concert

Cut 3:00

  • One, on the street, in very dirty clothes that are barely recognisable. His hands keep shaking.
  • Shot of drugs circling round a drain
Cut 3:25
  • Nickelback in concert

Cut 4:00
  • One is lying in the gutter when Two walks past 
  • Two goes over to One and helps him up
  • One looks up at Two and asks for help

Cut 410

the end 

Timings (from Ryan)

  • Two best friend (One and Two) in casual wear (One in Blue jeans and a T-Shirt, Two in Combats and a white long sleeved shirt. Two is wearing a leather coat) walking over a bridge in the middle of the day. There is nobody else there. (Long shot)
  • One turns to Two and asks for money saying that he just needs a loan and can pay him back. One sounds slightly panicked whilst he says this. (Medium shot)
  • Two reaches inside his coat, then stops and pulls his hand out. Asks One what he needs then money for. (Close up on coat)
  • One is vague, says that he just needs to pay off a debt. (MS) 
  • Two tries to reason with One, making comments about drugs. Extreme close up on One's lips, they are burnt.
  • One backs off a bit, then turns and runs, off the bridge into a road. (LS)

Cut 0025

  • One goes to a Shady Man (dressed in a dirty black suit without a tie)
  • Shady Man obviously threatens One, and then hands him a stack of money.

Cut 0040 

  • One talks to a Dirty Man (dressed in dirty casual clothes) and hands the Dirty Man some money.
  • Dirty Man hands One a small bag


  • Shot of One snorting a white powder
  • Shot of drugs circling round a drain

Cut  00:50

  • Nickelback playing in concert. 
  • Crowd cheering. 

Cut 105

  • One, on the street, in very dirty clothes that are barely recognisable. His hands keep shaking.
  • Shot of drugs circling round a drain

  • One is in a woman's bedroom, closing a box of jewelry and picking it up. 
  • Smartly Dressed Woman walks in (she is smartly dressed)
  • One hides the box behind him, and then talks to the Smartly Dressed Woman as he walks out of the door with the box behind his back.
  • Smartly Dressed Woman shakes her head and then sits down heavily on the bed.

Cut 1:18

  • Casual Woman walks down a street.
  • One leaps out, grabs her, and pulls her into an alley.  
  • One holds a knife to her throat.
  • Casual Woman hands One her handbag.
  • One takes it and runs.

Cut 1:32

  • Cut to One lying in a gutter
  • Shot of drugs circling round a drain

Cut 144

  • Nickelback in concert

Cut 400

  • One is lying in the gutter when Two walks past 
  • Two goes over to One and helps him up
  • One looks up at Two and asks for help

Cut 410

the end 


  • Two best friend (One and Two) in casual wear (One in Blue jeans and a T-Shirt, Two in Combats and a white long sleeved shirt. Two is wearing a leather coat) walking over a bridge in the middle of the day. There is nobody else there. (Long shot)
  • One turns to Two and asks for money saying that he just needs a loan and can pay him back. One sounds slightly panicked whilst he says this. (Medium shot)
  • Two reaches inside his coat, then stops and pulls his hand out. Asks One what he needs then money for. (Close up on coat)
  • One is vague, says that he just needs to pay off a debt. (MS) 
  • Two tries to reason with One, making comments about drugs. Extreme close up on One's lips, they are burnt.
  • One backs off a bit, then turns and runs, off the bridge into a road. (LS)


  • One goes to a Shady Man (dressed in a dirty black suit without a tie)
  • Shady Man obviously threatens One, and then hands him a stack of money.


  • One talks to a Dirty Man (dressed in dirty casual clothes) and hands the Dirty Man some money.
  • Dirty Man hands One a small bag


  • Shot of One snorting a white powder
  • Shot of drugs circling round a drain

Cut  done by 00:50

  • Nickelback playing in concert. 
  • Crowd cheering. 

Cut 105

  • One, on the street, in very dirty clothes that are barely recognisable. His hands keep shaking.
  • Shot of drugs circling round a drain

  • One is in a woman's bedroom, closing a box of jewelry and picking it up. 
  • Smartly Dressed Woman walks in (she is smartly dressed)
  • One hides the box behind him, and then talks to the Smartly Dressed Woman as he walks out of the door with the box behind his back.
  • Smartly Dressed Woman shakes her head and then sits down heavily on the bed.

Cut 1:18

  • Casual Woman walks down a street.
  • One leaps out, grabs her, and pulls her into an alley.  
  • One holds a knife to her throat.
  • Casual Woman hands One her handbag.
  • One takes it and runs.

Cut 1:32

  • Cut to One lying in a gutter
  • Shot of drugs circling round a drain

Cut 144

  • Nickelback in concert

Cut 400

  • One is lying in the gutter when Two walks past 
  • Two goes over to One and helps him up
  • One looks up at Two and asks for help

Cut 410

the end

Permission letter.

To whom it may concern

Our current group of students have been planning music videos for one of your songs, called Just To Get High. We would like to ask you if it would be possible for us to use your song in the creation of the video, based around the events of the song. If you could get back to me about this that would be great.

Yours Sincerely

A timeline of the song: Just To Get High by Nickelback


0.00-0.06: Music and bass drum
0.07-0.12: Voice
0.13-0.25: Lyrics
0.26-0.40: Swell and faster drum
0.41-0.47: Up tempo
0.48-0.50: Voice, drop music
0.51-1.03: Drum beat, faster music, lyrics
1.04-1.18: Drop tempo, slower lyrics
1.19-1.34: Cymbal clash, slightly faster
1.35-1.41: Faster, cymbals
1.42-1.45: Voice, drop music
1.46-2.11:Start music, faster, drum beat, lyrics
2.12-2.18: Cymbals, swell
2.19-2.46: Fast drumming, solo
2.47-2.58: Slow, voices, repeated beat
2.59-3.05: Swell
3.06-3.12: Swell, cymbals, faster
3.13-3.16: Cut music, voice
3.17-3.28:Drums, lyrics
3.28-3.41: Faster drumming
3.42-3.56: Speed up, warp
3.57-end: Cut music

Information: Nickleback and Dark Horse (By Kynat)

Dark Horse (Nickelback album)

  • Genre : rock
  •  Released: November 18th , 2008

  •  Nickelback was formed in 1995 by Chad Kroeger, Ryan Peake, Mike Kroeger, and Brandon Kroeger. Its name originates from the nickel in change that band member Mike Kroeger gave customers at his job atStarbucks; he would frequently say, "Here's your nickel back."
  • Nickelback do the following genres : Alternative rock, hard rock, alternative metal, heavy metal and post-grunge
  •  Chad kroeger who is a conadian songwriter, singer and guitarist and the lead vocal member of the famous american band 'Nickelback. He started playing the guitar from the age of 13. In 2004 he co-founded 604 records. Hes produced for other bands e.g ( Default, Theory of a deadman, and Bo Bice.) 
  • Daniel Adairis a canadian drummer who is currently playing for the famous band 'Nickleback' he has been known for his other work with the band '3 Doors Down'. He also works for several other canadian bands. He does alternative metal, post-grunge, progressive rock, heavy metal, alternative rock, jazz-fusion, hard rock, progressive metal, southern rock , instrumental rock, trash metal.
  • Some of the past members have been Ryan Vikedal, Brandon Kroeger, Mitch Guindon.

Work done

I have taken Ryan's treatment and made changes to the grammar and structure of it. I encountered problems with the way that Blogger was showing the treatment, so I then had to alter the design of the blog in order to show off everything.

Ryans treatment (with grammar changes) Try 2

  • Two best friend (One and Two) in casual wear (One in Blue jeans and a T-Shirt, Two in Combats and a white long sleeved shirt. Two is wearing a leather coat) walking over a bridge in the middle of the day. There is nobody else there. (Long shot)
  • One turns to Two and asks for money saying that he just needs a loan and can pay him back. One sounds slightly panicked whilst he says this. (Medium shot)
  • Two reaches inside his coat, then stops and pulls his hand out. Asks One what he needs then money for. (Close up on coat)
  • One is vague, says that he just needs to pay off a debt. (MS) 
  • Two tries to reason with One, making comments about drugs. Extreme close up on One's lips, they are burnt.
  • One backs off a bit, then turns and runs, off the bridge into a road. (LS)


  • One goes to a Shady Man (dressed in a dirty black suit without a tie)
  • Shady Man obviously threatens One, and then hands him a stack of money.


  • One talks to a Dirty Man (dressed in dirty casual clothes) and hands the Dirty Man some money.
  • Dirty Man hands One a small bag


  • Shot of One snorting a white powder
  • Shot of drugs circling round a drain

Cut  done by 00:50

  • Nickelback playing in concert. 
  • Crowd cheering. 

Cut 105

  • One, on the street, in very dirty clothes that are barely recognisable. His hands keep shaking.
  • Shot of drugs circling round a drain

  • One is in a woman's bedroom, closing a box of jewelry and picking it up. 
  • Smartly Dressed Woman walks in (she is smartly dressed)
  • One hides the box behind him, and then talks to the Smartly Dressed Woman as he walks out of the door with the box behind his back.
  • Smartly Dressed Woman shakes her head and then sits down heavily on the bed.

Cut 1:18

  • Casual Woman walks down a street.
  • One leaps out, grabs her, and pulls her into an alley.  
  • One holds a knife to her throat.
  • Casual Woman hands One her handbag.
  • One takes it and runs.

Cut 1:32

  • Cut to One lying in a gutter
  • Shot of drugs circling round a drain

Cut 144

  • Nickelback in concert

Cut 400

  • One is lying in the gutter when Two walks past 
  • Two goes over to One and helps him up
  • One looks up at Two and asks for help

Cut 410

the end